
摘要 :




Recent Research of EAP in China—the Status quo and Thinking

SUN Yunbo1,FENG Jie2

(1.Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China;

2.City College,Kunming University of Science and Technology,Kunming 650051,Yunnan,China)

Abstract:With the further deepening of the reform of college English education in China,EAP has attracted more and more attention.In order to have a better understanding of the status quo of EAP research in China,a retrieval is made of the key journals and CSSCI journals that publish EAP-related articles,of which 156 published from 1980 to 2014 are analyzed.Statistics suggests that in the past ten years EAP teaching and research is increasingly flourishing.The research involves the main aspects of college English teaching.Research content is much more than what it was 20 years ago,and research methods are of great variety.But theoretical research in this area is comparatively weak.Certain aspects are more researched than others.Researchers are mainly those from the developed regions,though many English teachers and scholars have joined in.The paper intends to arouse the attention of EAP researchers and English teachers and hence provides reference for the reform and development of college English teaching.

Keywords:EAP;status quo;content of research;research method;English teaching reform

随着全球化的不断深入,科技与教育的发展日趋国际化。在此背景下,要求高校学生用英语听学术讲座、参与学术讨论、撰写学术论文、和同行进行学术交流的呼声越来越高。这对长期以来以通用英语(EGP)为主导的大学英语教学提出了挑战,也引起了外语界越来越多的学者对学术英语(EAP)——专用英语(ESP)的一个分支的关注。罗娜(2006)指出,学术英语是我国大学英语教学中不容忽视的领域[1]24-25;韩金龙(2007)认为,它是衔接公共英语教学和双语教学的桥梁[2]24-25;蔡基刚(2010)强调,学术英语是大学英语教学改革和发展的方向[3]47-50。同时,国内不少高校尝试开展EAP教学。进入21世纪以来,EAP教学与研究有了较快的发展。鉴于此,笔者以“学术英语”为关键词,对国内核心期刊和CSSCI期刊发表的有关EAP 研究文章做了文献检索,了解其研究现状、内容,分析其存在的问题和不足,提出解决问题的对策,以便为开展EAP教学与研究提供借鉴。



20世纪70年代末、80年代初ESP被引入我国,自此国内开始了ESP的教学实践与研究。ESP在我国最早出现时是以“科技英语”一词冠名的,随后曾出现过一股科技英语热。但长期以来,由于“教学目的不明确、课程设计和师资配备混乱以及教学方法陈旧” [1]24-25,加之后来双语教学的兴起、大学英语教学的不断改革,科技英语被逐渐边缘化了。


推荐访问:述评 英语 学术 国内 研究